After Class

Ep. 32 - Attending an Adult Ballet Intensive: What It's Really Like!

Ballet for All Season 1 Episode 32

Have you ever wondered what it's like to attend an adult ballet intensive? Well, Hannah recently returned from the Amy Novinski Adult Ballet Intensive in California, and in this week's episode she's answering questions like: What was the daily schedule? What were the classes like? What aspect was most challenging? So if you've ever been curious about this particular intensive (or adult ballet intensives in general) find a cozy spot and grab a cup of coffee, because we're getting into all of it here!

Products mentioned:
Apolla Compression Socks
Foam Roller

Follow Yelena @ballet_for_all
Follow Hannah @thebusybunhead

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Podcast produced by Mission Bridge Media.

See you next time after class! ♥

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